“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
-Albert Camus, b. 1913
After seven months of near constant sun, the rain has finally arrived in Napa. And now that we’re well into November and tilting toward December, the winery is beginning to return to a more normal schedule. Most of the heavy lifting of harvest is over; wines from this summer’s fruit are going into barrel for their first long nap. On this week’s calendar is the big push to get the bottling of our Syrah wines done without any hiccups, then we’ll be coasting to the end of the year and closing down the winery for holidays, from December 24th to January 3rd.
Our new wines have shown great potential with excellent fruit flavors, rich mouthfeel and supple tannin extraction. I’m already looking forward to the first tasting that we’ll have in January. Our reds really benefitted from the warm, dry summer. Although we are well below normal for rainfall, it has served the vintage well, delivering loose clusters of small berries – perfect for winemaking. The wine media has already started beating the drums for vintage 2013.
The end of year is also a time to look forward to the next year. This year has been filled with new visitors who have been introduced to both our wine and to the winery, almost twice as many as last year. As we move forward, we will be searching for ways to host more people at the winery and connect in a personal way with those looking for an authentic experience of true hospitality in a genuine winery.
Before the whirl of the holidays carries us all away, let me wish you all a lovely season of family, friends and best of times.
Make happy memories
From Anthony, Sandra, and all of us here at Bell Wine Cellars
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